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Recovery is one of the most important themes in mental health today. Recovery is about people finding the things that will help them. These things may include talking therapies, medication, self help, exercise, meaningful activities, training, or employment.

Hope, and the belief that positive progress is possible for everyone, is an important theme of recovery. Recovery is not about finding a cure, but about finding tools, techniques, or activities which can help in controlling or lessening symptoms, as well as building wellbeing and resilience. It is also about planning, when you are well, for a time when you are less well.

WRAP, a wellness recovery action plan, is an established way of creating your own personal plan.

For patients of secondary mental health services (for example, the Local Mental Health Teams at the Stonebridge Centre, Marlow House or Highbury Hospital), Nottingham Recovery College runs courses on aspects of recovery, coping, and wellbeing.

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